Public dental care
Your Crown Clinic provides general dental care, which includes:

- Routine dental examination

- Oral health advice

- Scale and cleaning

- Extractions

- Fillings

- X- Rays

- Root canal treatments.

Questions and answers about general dental care

What happens during a dental examination?

An examination means that the dentist looks at the whole mouth and not just the teeth. Tongue, gums, mucous membranes teeth as well as muscles, jaws and bite are checked. The examination should show whether you have cavities in your teeth, gingivitis, tooth loss, mucosal changes or other signs of disease or problems in your mouth or jaws. Examination is done using a probe, an instrument with a pointed end and a mirror. The probe is used to feel tooth surfaces where it is difficult to determine whether there is caries or a broken filling. With the mirror, the dentist or dental hygienist can see in all corners and nooks and crannies. Often, the examination is supplemented with X-rays to be able to detect caries and tooth loss. When the examination is finished, you will find out the results of the examination and also receive advice on how to take care of your teeth to avoid problems and diseases in the future.

How often should I go for an examination at the dentist?

At your first visit, the dentist assesses how often you need to come to examine your teeth. A normal interval is once a year.

Why is the survey needed?

The most common dental diseases are cavities in the teeth, called caries, and tooth loss. The earlier these diseases are detected, the easier it is to treat them. Both diseases can also be prevented with different methods. There are also other diseases that can be detected in the mouth during an examination.